A GROUP of rowers had to be rescued this morning after their boat capsized in gale force winds.

New Quay and Barmouth RNLI launch lifeboats were both launched at 8.15am on Friday morning following reports of a capsized ocean rowing boat in Storm Arwen

The distress call from the rowing boat was made 18 miles north west of New Quay in gale force winds as Storm Arwen swept south across the country.

The rowing boat, with four persons on board, was travelling from Ireland to Aberystwyth in a training exercise to prepare for a trans-Atlantic crossing next year. Unfortunately, they had capsized and found themselves in difficulty so called for help.

In north westerly gale force winds in excess of 30mph and gusting over 50mph (force 8 with gusts of force 9), Barmouth RNLI’s all-weather lifeboat was first to be tasked. As the casualty vessel drifted southwards, New Quay’s Mersey class lifeboat, the Frank and Lena of Stourbridge, with six volunteer crew members on board, was also requested to launch.

First to arrive on scene was the Coastguard rescue helicopter who placed their winchman on board the vessel to assess the casualties. It was decided to airlift one person with head inquires directly to hospital.

Daniel Potter, New Quay RNLI’s Coxswain said: “We made good speed heading north in gale force winds and rough sea conditions. We located the vessel and Barmouth lifeboat was already on scene. "We got alongside and pulled the three casualties out of the water and provided casualty care. "We then headed back to New Quay where the casualties received medical attention.“It was a great outcome in difficult conditions and a good example of lifeboats and the Coastguard working together in life threatening situations.”

The lifeboat arrived back in New Quay at 11.35am and, having been washed down and refuelled, was ready for service again by 12.30pm.