Customers at the Castle Hotel, Aberystwyth, have raised £519.67 for Guide Dogs Cymru.

The venue ran three quiz nights for the charity in three months, challenging the teams with some specially-selected dog-themed questions.

Event co-ordinator Llinos James said: “We nominate a different charity to benefit from our quizzes every three months, and it’s great fun and worth every penny. We get together and have a good time. I recommend it.

“I have a friend who works with Guide Dogs and it is a fantastic thing to see. Jan Newman, who set the questions with Stuart Beckley and Jason Taylor, devised some with a dog theme for the third quiz.”

“I’d like to do another one for Guide Dogs,” she added.

To find out how you can support Guide Dogs in Ceredigion, email midwales@guidedogs­ or visit

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