Life coach turned author Carolyn Parry is about to release her debut book, Change Your Story.

Attending Aberystwyth University’s life-long classes in creative writing and podcasting during the pandemic has given Carolyn, 62, the skills, confidence, and inspiration she needed to gather stories.

She shared those stories via a podcast and shares them again in book form.

Carolyn has always encouraged people to change their career path, urging them that it is never too late to turn your hand to something else.

Change Your Story includes Carolyn’s research-proven eight-part career and life coaching framework INSPiRED, which offers a comprehensive toolkit and planner for life.

Illustrated in action by the real-life stories within the pages of the book, Change Your Story encourages people to use a problem-based purpose-led approach using the UN Sustainable Development Goals so they can create a work life that they love.

Carolyn said: “I still remember the pain of my own existential career crisis in my late 30s. Change Your Story is the book I wish I had been able to read at the time to help me create a career path doing something I love.

“I got there in the end, but it was longer and harder than if I had been able to follow a proven process to help me move forward.

“The lifelong learning courses I followed at Aberystwyth University have really helped me to develop as an individual and to open-up new ways of helping people with their career challenges.”

Lifelong learning tutor Kerry Ferguson said: “Given the speed with which the world of work is changing, we all need to update our skills regularly by being lifelong learners.

“The professional development courses on offer at Aberystwyth University including those I tutor are designed to help learners of all ages develop their skills and open new avenues for their careers.

“As a tutor, it is incredibly rewarding to see a learner like Carolyn put what she has learned into practice so effectively – and makes me proud to have been even a small part of her fantastic journey.”

Change Your Story consists of eight inspiring stories of people in search of meaningful careers and encourages readers to understand, develop, and achieve new career stories through over 30 activities and strategies for success, well-being, and growth.

A book launch will take place at Aberystwyth University on 12 December with some of the book’s leading chapter inspirations in attendance also speaking.

Places are limited and by registration only via:

Pre-order a limited-edition signed hardback or softback copy by 30 November, including a free A3 career planner wall chart and surprise gifts for collection on the night at

Change Your Story will be available from Amazon UK from 27 November.

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