THE latest community news from Tregroes
AN enjoyable evening was spent at the Ffostrasol Arms on Monday, 4 September, when the Tregroes hall committee gathered to say farewell to Patrick and Annie, from Troedrhiw, Cwmhyar who will be leaving Tregroes to live in Portugal.
They were wished well and were also presented with a lovely framed picture of Tregroes, presented by Cllr Peter Davies, as they were wished well in their new home.
IMPORTANT and interesting speakers have visited Tregroes hall during the past years and on Friday, 1 September, it was the new MP, Ben Lake who came to give an interesting talk and describing his first few months at the House of Commons, as well as answering questions, before chatting and enjoying a cup of tea.
AR nos Sul, 3 Medi cynhaliwyd ein canu cynulleidfaol blynyddol yn yr eglwys.
Da oedd gweld cymaint wedi dod i fwynhau y canu dan ofal Heledd Williams, Derwen-gam a chafwyd eitemau hyfryd gan Beca Ann Jones, Cwmann.
Yr organyddes oedd Rhian Jones, Horeb, sy’n ffyddlon ac yn weithgar iawn yn yr eglwys.
Y llywydd oedd Mererid Davies, Fron, Pontsian, merch ifanc, weithgar sydd â chysylltiad a Thregroes wrth iddi fod yn aelod ffyddlon yn yr Ysgol Sul am flynyddoedd.
Cafwyd ganddi araith a chyfraniad hael a diolch iddi.
Hefyd fe drosglwyddodd yr eglwys siec o £715 i bwyllgor y neuadd, sef hanner elw’r noson mefus a hufen yn Nhresi Aur.
Diolchodd y Cyng Peter Davies yn wresog i bawb ac i Mair Davies am ei chroeso i’w chartref. Gorffenwyd y noson gan lluniaeth yn y neuadd.
THE Harvest thanksgiving service will be held on 1 October, and a celebration for William Williams, Pantycelyn.
ANOTHER enjoyable meal was served on Tuesday, 5 September at the hall, with everyone enjoying the lunch and chat. Thanks to all who prepare and plan the event.
The next meal will be on 3 October.
If you’re a member of a club, society or group, send your news to [email protected]