Aberdyfi Players are celebrating three award wins.

On Saturday, 13 July, members of Aberdyfi Players attended the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) annual awards for amateur productions in Wales and Ireland, held in Llandudno.

Chairman of Aberdyfi Players, Louis Hiatt, said: ”Aberdyfi pantomime ‘Rapunzel’ was nominated for eight awards this year and we are thrilled to have won three of them!

“Thanks to our technical team we won the award for Outstanding Technical achievement, the award for Outstanding Comedy Performance went to Ed Moss playing Captain of the Guard and the Outstanding Supporting Performance award went to David Gosney playing Dame Beatrix Bouffant.

“It was a privilege to attend this award ceremony. I am so proud of Aberdyfi Players and our pantos. For an amateur village production group to be nominated for eight awards and to get to the finals to win three awards is wonderful – congratulations to all!“