On Saturday, 24 August Meirionnydd Ramblers will walk around Llanfachreth.

This walk, exploring the historic Nannau estate and the lovely countryside around Llanfachreth, is packed full of interest.

The route follows quiet paths and country lanes through green meadows and woodland and past various sites of historic interest.

Along the way it also provides some fabulous views over Cadair Idris, the Aran range and the Mawddach Estuary.

We start by heading a short way down the road, soon turning off to walk past the remains of old fish-ponds and through the Nannau Deer Park.

We continue towards Llanfachreth, passing Pwll-y-gele (Pool of the Leeches) which has a fascinating history - it is one of several pools in Wales where leeches were bred for medical use!

Next we head downhill to visit the remains of an old copper mine.

From here we climb up again to join the well-known Precipice Walk which we follow back to the start.

This is a Group grade B joint circular 9.5 miles / 15.3 kilometre, national grade, moderate, joint walk with Aberystwyth.

The start time is 10.15am and the estimated finish time is 4.30pm.

The starting place is the Precipice Walk car park (Grid reference: SH745211).

The start time is when the walk commences. Please arrive earlier to ensure you are ready for the start

Contact walk leader Glynne on 01970 625244.

Visit www,meirionnyddramblers.org.uk for further information on all walks during 2024.