The Ardudwy branch of the Labour party welcomed Joyce Watson, Senedd member for Mid and West Wales, who has been holidaying in the area.

The MS joined local Labour Party members to chat about recent events, celebrate the 4 July election results and the election of Eluned Morgan as First Minister.

Joyce, who was a major supporter in the campaign to save Harlech Pool two decades ago, expressed her sadness at the recent closure.

A branch spokesperson said: “Ardudwy branch members very much regret the closure of Ardudwy Leisure Centre, and especially the swimming pool.

“In a coastal area it is vital that our children should have access to swimming lessons.

“The loss of the climbing wall is also regretted, and that of the café where the branch and many other community groups attended meetings and functions.

“We shall all miss this community facility.

“We thank all those who have worked so hard over the last two decades to keep the centre open and sincerely hope that there is a future for the centre with a new generation taking up the fight.”

Joyce is pictured here talking to local member Treve Eddy.