Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn has announced the launch of a public consultation for his updated Police and Crime Plan for 2025-2029.

Mr Llywelyn said the consultation “seeks to engage the community in shaping the future of local policing, reaffirming his commitment to creating safer communities and enhancing public trust in the police and criminal justice system across Mid and West Wales.”

“Our communities’ safety and trust in our policing are paramount,” Mr Llywelyn said.

“This consultation is a crucial step in developing our updated Police and Crime Plan.

“By listening to the voices of our community, we ensure that our strategy aligns with their needs and concerns.

“My overarching vision for the next four years is to improve public trust and confidence in the policing service, making Dyfed-Powys a safe place to live, learn, work, and travel.

“To achieve this, I would like to focus on three key areas: supporting safer communities and preventing harm, supporting victims, and preventing victimisation, and delivering justice.

“By participating in the crime plan consultation, you have the opportunity to influence critical policing decisions, ensuring that Dyfed-Powys Police can continue to safeguard its communities with the highest standard of service available.”