An Aberystwyth man has been given a community order by magistrates after pleaded guilty to stalking a member of staff at Bronglais Hospital by following her home and sending her flowers.

Hywel Davies, of Flat 33, Maes Arthur, Park Avenue, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court for sentencing on 26 June.

The 51-year-old pleaded guilty at a hearing at Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 5 June to stalking a woman at Bronglais Hospital between 25 August and 10 November last year.

The court heard that Davies “turned up to her place of work, followed her to her home address and sent her unwanted flowers.”

Magistrates adjourned that hearing for a pre-sentence probation report to be prepared.

At the hearing on 25 June, magistrates made Davies the subject of a 12 month community order to include 200 hours of unpaid work and up to 25 days of rehabilitation activities.

Davies was also made the subject of a two year restraining order, including not enteting Bronglais’ A&E department unless it’s an emergency.

He was also order to pay £250 in compensation.

Davies must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 as well as a surcharge to fund victim services of £114.