Lampeter Brownies have been given the go-ahead to plant fruit and vegetables in the town’s Parc yr Orsedd after all.

The youngsters are keen to take on gardening duties as part of the Incredible Edible project which encourages children to grow food. However, plans for the Brownies garden had been put on hold after Cllr Chris Thomas expressed concerns over issues of insurance.

Cllr Thomas, who resigned as chairman of the council’s Parks Committee after claiming that such activities might be at odds with the terms of the park lease, had previously voiced alarm that such a garden could be targeted by vandals.

But now, after the council sought guidance on whether insurance was required from Machynlleth Town Council which has agreed to the Incredible Edible scheme, the project has received the all-clear.

An Incredible Edible spokesperson confirmed there have been ‘several positive developments’ following initial discussions.

“We are grateful to all parties involved in the town in making this possible,” they added.

“We look forward to creating the garden using plants grown by the Brownies, and seeing Lampeter people and families enjoy visiting and caring for it.”

See this week’s South Ceredigion paper for the full story, available in shops and as a digital edition now