A former Bangor charity shop building which once had a council improvement notice slapped on it due to its dilapidated state looks set to be improved.

The former Barnardo’s building on the High Street could be converted into a shop and flats – likely to be inhabited by students and young professionals – if planners agree.

A full planning application has been received by Gwynedd Council for a change of use.

Since the charity closed a number of years ago the building remained empty and gradually fell into disrepair.

Proposals would see the conversion of the ground floor area into a commercial shop space and two, one-bedroom flats and one two-bedroom flat on the floors above.

The applicant is listed as Mr Gurjinder Dhaliwal through the agent Mr H Gareth Jones (BDS Gwynedd).

The applicant’s planning and design document notes the building will need a major facelift.

“Due to the length of all floors being vacant, these floors will require complete internal renovation; however, structurally, the building is in a good condition,” the plans note.

The submission also points out that the 56 square metre site “does not offer any parking facility.” But the proposal was “intended for students who will be studying at Bangor University, which is at walking distances from the site”, the plans state.

“Therefore, it is proposed the tenants will not own a vehicle and therefore parking is not required.”

It also cites the proximity of public transport in the area: “The main Bangor bus stop is located only a few meters to the north of the site, which approximately minutes walk from the application site.

“Several bus services are available, which provide connection throughout Gwynedd, Anglesey and Conwy.”

The applicants also say they do not propose any changes to the building, except for new double glazed windows to ensure the building meets building regulations standards.

“Internally the units will be designed to a modern standard to attract young professionals and students, fitted out with modern fixtures and fittings to represent quality living accommodation,” the proposal says.

Gwynedd Council notes consultation over the plans closes on 18 June.