A DOLGELLAU pirate radio station is making waves across the Atlantic with billboard dotted around California and a growing global audience.

Pirate Radio Wales is the brainchild of Dolgellau resident, Malcolm Murgatroyd, who has seen the station’s popularity grow and grow.

An engineer by trade, Malcolm set up the station with no intention of being behind the mic, but with a healthy diet of classic rock to start the station off, listeners soon flocked to the internet radio station, which broadcasts 24 hours a day from Dolgellau, with listeners in 40 different countries.

Malcolm said: “When we first started, I just uploaded by record collection. Rock from the 70s and 80s and soon enough people were getting in touch saying ‘finally, a rock station’.

“So it was decided for us really that is what we were.”

Pirate Radio Wales now has three stations, rock, talk and classical music and has seen a steady growth since its inception two years ago.

The station now racks up 107,000 listeners across the world.

Radio Pirate Wales

The shows are broadcast from two studios in Dolgellau, which Malcolm, the captain of Pirate Radio Wales, set up, using his extensive knowledge from working in recording studios throughout his career.

Malcolm continued: “When we started out, it was fully automated, but now we have the talk station.

“It is great to see the station grow.

“The pirate element is a nod to the stations of the 60s, but we are fully licenced to broadcast.

“I never planned to get behind the mic, but the feedback we have all had has been fantastic.”

This week, drivers in California got a glimpse of what the station has to offer with massive billboard advertisements along the freeway.

In a social media post, Pirate Radion Wales said: 2If you are driving along the I-10 in California don’t be too distracted by the new billboard featuring Pirate Radio Wales. Keep your eyes on the road and your ears on the radio.”

The station is also keen to promote new bands.

Malcolm added: “If there are any musicians out there who want us to play their music, send us your demos.

The station also has a familiar face behind the mic. Former Radio 1 DJ Mike Read, who presents a Heritage Chart Radio Show every Monday morning.

Pirate Radio Wales is available on the app store and can also be found by Alexa.