The proportion of recent graduates from Aberystwyth University who found work is below the average UK employment rate for the cohort, new figures show.

Universities UK said the overall figures shows a degree gives graduates a significant boost in employment prospects despite uncertain economic times.

Student survey data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency shows 77 per cent of Aberystwyth University graduates in 2020-21 were either employed or in unpaid work – lower than the UK average for higher education graduates that year of 82 per cent.

The proportion of Aberystwyth University graduates in work included 51 per cent of respondents who said they were in full-time employment, 12 per cent in part-time employment, 12% who were employed while also in full-time study and about 2 per cent in volunteer or unpaid work.

The HESA survey contacts recipients of higher education qualifications about 15 months after their graduation with the aim of gathering statistics on their employment and study activities.

Heidi Fraser Kraus, chief executive of Jisc, which acquired HESA in 2022, said: "The results of the latest Graduate Outcomes survey provide valuable insight into the progress of graduates who left university or college to enter a world still reeling from Covid-19."

She added: "While the employment and salary statistics show graduates doing well, their reflections on their own priorities and wellbeing are particularly illuminating."

Responding to the question on whether they felt they were currently utilising what they learnt during their studies, around 65 per cent of recent graduates from Aberystwyth University agreed or strongly agreed.

Additionally, 71 per cent agreed or strongly agreed that their current activity - whether working, studying or unemployed - fits with their future plans.

Professor Steve West, president of Universities UK, which represents the top 140 universities in the country, said the data confirms a degree continues to give a significant boost to employment prospects despite uncertain economic times.

"In fact, there has been a four percentage point increase in the proportion of graduates in 2020-21 in full-time employment compared with the previous year," he added.

He said: "The benefits of going to university are not confined to salary and employability outcomes. Many graduates go on to work in roles that are vital to our economy and society, and meaningful to graduates even though starting salaries may be lower."