Bala resident and Barmouth residential home worker, Kenuoe Morgan,who came to Gwynedd from Lesotho in 1997 is being used at theNational Eisteddfod today as an example of someone working in care inGwynedd through the medium of Welsh.

Today (Thursday) isa special day for carers in Wales at the National Eisteddfod.

The Eisteddfod andGofalwn Cymru/WeCare Wales have created a partnership to raiseawareness and hopefully attract Welsh speakers of all levels toconsider a career in the care field.

WeCare Wales willsponsor the day by creating a Caring Day.

The aim of WeCareWales is to raise awareness and understanding about social care andearly years, childcare and play which support some of the mostvulnerable people in our society.

Both sectors play avital role in maintaining the well-being, independence of people andfor children, supporting them to develop and grow. WeCare Walesstaff members will be in the field promoting its free trainingcourses - Introduction to childcare and Introduction to social care -which give adults in Wales a taste of what it's like to work in care.

The influencerHeledd Roberts will join the team on the field to promote careers inthe field of social care. The team will also speak to the public toget their views on the importance of the Welsh language within carein Wales.

One who has workedin the field of care for over a quarter of a century through themedium of Welsh is Kenuoe Morgan. Kenuoe, who is deputy manager atHafod Mawddach Residential Home in Barmouth, came to Bala fromLesotho in 1997 and started working for Gwynedd Council. They tookadvantage of the opportunity to learn Welsh at AberystwythUniversity, becoming fluent in the language in 2000. Keneuoe nowworks in a care home, supporting people with dementia and complexneeds. Promoting people's rights and focusing on the person and whatis important to them is an important part of Keneuoe's role. Bycommunicating with residents in their chosen language, Keneuoe isable to build a relationship with them and support them, which helpsthem maintain their well-being.

The Caring Daytoday, 10 August, will include a full programme which will includepromoting training courses to announce the winner of the Caring awardin Welsh 2023.

Social Care Waleswill announce the winner of the Caring through Welsh 2023 awardtoday. This is Social Care Wales' annual award which recognizes andcelebrates people who provide excellent care and support through themedium of Welsh.

This year, fiveworkers from all over Wales have been chosen to reach the shortlist,and the winner was chosen through a public vote, and they havereceived almost 2,300 votes.

At 3pm in the WelshGovernment Tent, a panel of experts from the National Welsh LearningCentre, Mudiad Meithrin, the Welsh Language Commissioner's office andBangor University will join Social Care Wales to discuss theimportance of the Welsh language in the field of social care and theearly years. For more information search for GofalwnCymru on Twitter@GofalwnCymru, Facebook @GofalwnCymru or Instagram @gofalwncymrucaresThere is more information about the National