Criccieth residents are celebrating 50 years of amateur theatre.

The town’s Starlight Players was set up in 1974 and member Leisha Keane has been looking back on the society’s history.

Leisha has been involved with the Starlight Players since the start, as she explained.

“My husband Nick, Nigel Thomas and Peter Stebbings met in the Lion Hotel and decided to put on a pantomime.

“CADS (Criccieth Amateur Dramatics Society) had disbanded and there were some funds available, hence a new society was formed.

“I was in that pantomime, ‘Cinderella’, as Prince Charming, and have been involved in one way or another ever since. Acting, singing, directing, producing - I have done them all.”

The society has been a major part of the town.

Leisha said: “Over the years thousands of local people have been part of the society, helping with directing, staging, lighting, front of house, costumes, make-up, sound, props, publicity, choreography, photography, music, filming and prompting as well as some wonderful acting.

“We have been fortunate to have live music supplied by talented local musicians (I can’t mention them all) but we need to mention Peter Booth, Dave Roberts and Bob (Mut) Williams, the stalwarts who played for years in the band.

“Brilliant dancing was, in the early days, provided by Miss Hilary Dickinson Dance School, Gaynor Owen Dance School, Tammy Barma, and Paula Carr to name just a few.

“We usually produce two shows a year - a pantomime and a summer play or variety show.

“We are are members of the National Opera and Dramatic Association (NODA) and have been awarded in various categories over the years for acting and choreography.

“We had a party in the Memorial Hall to celebrate 50 years and members past and present enjoyed an evening of fun.

“We provided our own entertainment with members singing, dancing and running sketches.”

This summer the group present ‘50 Years of Starlight Memories’ at the Memorial on on Tuesdays throughout the summer until 3 September (7pm for a 7.30pm start).

Tickets are available from and on the door.