Llanerchaeron has launched a contemporary art exhibition by award-winning artist Kumar Saraff.

‘Moments at Llanerchaeron’ is interspersed amongst the original historic collection on the ground floor, reflecting on the history and objects left behind by inhabitants.

Inspiration for the paintings came from spending time at Llanerchaeron, mostly over winter when the house was closed. The quiet atmosphere of the house in hibernation is reflected in the stillness in Kumar’s work.

Kumar said: “In our modern digital world, we can’t fully experience life over 100 years ago, yet places like Llanerchaeron allow us glimpses into the past. These paintings are a response to this: the timelessness and evocative domestic details experienced by so many people over the years”.

Kumar works from sketches, photographs and memory, building layers of paint and surfaces to capture the feeling of the spaces and objects he is considering rather than just a physical likeness. He is drawn to the quality of light and shadow, colour and form, finding joy in the process of painting, never knowing quite what will happen.

The works also reflect diary entries of Captain T P Lewes who lived at Llanerchaeron from 1919 until 1940. The titles are quotes from his diaries, providing a glimpse into life at Llanerchaeron, Captain T P Lewes’ domestic concerns and moods set against moments in the country’s history.

Kathryn Campbell, Llanerchaeron Programming and Partnerships Officer said: “We’re delighted to welcome Kumar to Llanerchaeron.

“It’s been a pleasure to see his responses to the estate and the things that have captured his attention.

“I’m sure regular visitors will recognise glimpses of familiar corners and spaces.

“It’s a rare treat to see Llanerchaeron through the eyes of such a thoughtful painter and to encounter the works set against collection items in the house. They somehow seem to develop a special patina that absorbs and reflects back the spaces they occupy: the layers of history and the lives that have passed through its spaces.”

‘Moments at Llanerchaeron’ runs until 3 November at Llanerchaeron and can be viewed in the villa from Wednesday-Sunday, 11am-3.30pm.