Tregaron based top-five-bestselling horror authors, husband and wife team, Tommy and Margot Ellis, will take part in a book signing event at The Riverbank Café in Tregaron.

Go along on Wednesday, 21 August between 12pm and 3pm to meet the authors, pick up an autographed copy of their new book, ‘Grisly Deeds’, and grab a bite in the beautiful countryside surroundings.

Writing under the name of Tommy Ellis, the couple hit three separate bestseller charts in the same week, peaking at five, three and two as well as sharing a top five with horror legend Stephen King.

Asked what it was like sharing a chart with such big names, Margot said: “If you’d have told me when I was a teenager I’d be in a top five bestseller list alongside Stephen King, I wouldn’t have believed you. I still can’t quite believe it.”

‘Grisly Deeds’ is available as an eBook or paperback from or Amazon.