A new car park in Dyffryn Ardudwy has officially been opened.

Members of Dyffryn Ardudwy and Talybont Community Council attended the official opening of Llidiart y Parc on Friday, 13 September, along with local primary school pupils and members of the public.

The car park has been made possible thanks to the community council successfully obtaining a grant of £66,000 through the Gwynedd SPF Regenerating Community Fund.

The initiative for the car park came from a 2018 survey by the village Regeneration Group, which identified parking as a top priority for residents.

With parking limited in Dyffryn Ardudwy, the development of this car park enables those who want to visit the village to park safely instead of on the roadside. This was a particular problem during the busy tourism season.

Since the car park opened at the start of summer, considerable use is already being made of it by locals and visitors and this proves it was needed.

Since the car park opened at the beginning of the summer a considerable use is already being made of it by the local people and visitors and this proves that there was a need for this kind of a development in the village for some time.