Gwynedd Council want to hear from the public about regulations relating to dogs in public places.

Dog control orders in Gwynedd set out rules for anyone taking dogs to public places, and gives the council the right to penalise those who breach these rules.

Rules include not picking up dog poo, allowing a dog to go on land where dogs are banned, for example playing fields, school and college grounds and some beaches at certain times of the year, and not putting a dog on a lead, or keeping it leashed, when asked to do so by an authorised officer.

Current orders allow council officers to issue a fixed penalty notice of up to £100 to anyone who contravenes the regulations and allows their dogs to cause a nuisance to other members of the community. This could lead to prosecution by the courts.

The council want to know if the public is happy for current orders to be extended for the next three years.

To take part in the consultation, visit the council website,

For a paper copy, contact the council's Street Services at [email protected] or telephone 01766 771000.

The questionnaire closes on Sunday, 4 August.