Coronavirus cases continue to rise in all parts of Wales as latest figures show almost 50 new cases across Mid and West Wales.

Carmarthenshire saw the biggest jump in daily numbers with 19 recorded today.

Powys was second with 12 new cases today.

Gwynedd recorded nine new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, while Ceredigion recorded five and Pembrokeshire, four.

The rise in numbers in Powys has led the local health board and county council to issue a warning to people.

Both Powys County Council and Powys Teaching Health Board have today urged people to follow the rules as the number of positive tests in the area continue to rise.

Stuart Bourne, executive director for public health for Powys Teaching Health Board, said: “The measures taken in other parts of Wales, demonstrate that Covid-19 is still very much with us.

“It is essential that everyone follows the guidelines on staying safe and social distancing, otherwise we could see a situation where not only will there be more deaths and serious illness, but demand on our health services will become very high again.

"We are just beginning to restart some of our services, and it is important that we can continue to do so, or non-Covid patients could suffer delays to the care they need.”

Powys County Council leader Cllr Rosemarie Harris said: “Our message is simple: abide by the rules set by Welsh Government.

"Do not meet socially anywhere indoors with people you do not live with unless they are part of your (exclusive) extended household. Wear face coverings in indoor public spaces. Travel into and out of local lockdown areas only if absolutely essential. Observe social distancing (stay two metres - three steps - away from others), and wash your hands regularly.

“We want to keep Powys safe. It’s only with public support that we can do this”.

Both Gwynedd and Ceredigion councils have also issued warnings to people to adhere to social distancing rules as all areas have reported rises in coronavirus cases over the past two weeks.