A PROTEST will be held in Penparcau this weekend in protest at the proposed demolition of Bodlondeb and potential closure of Tregerddan care home in Bow Street.

On Saturday, people are invited to join retired police officer and former Bodlondeb caretaker Dai Thomas and local county councillor, Carl Worrall to place flowers along the fence in Penparcau ‘to show they are against this attack on our elderly residents by closing our care homes’.

Cllr Worrall said: “As you know by now Bodlondeb, Penparcau, is due to be demolished and Tregerddan of Bow Street is set to be closed.

“With everything that is happening to our care homes I have been asked by Mr Dai (Dogs) Thomas to invite everyone who wants to show they are against the demolition of Bodlondeb and to the closure of Tregerddan Care home, to meet at Penparcau Park on Saturday the 24 August at 2pm.

“Dai has asked if people can put flowers on the fence and signs to show they are against this attack on our elderly residents by closing our care homes. “

Ceredigion County Council sold Bodlondeb care home in Penparcau to Wales and West Housing in December.