A guide dog named Flick has gained celebrity status in Llanbrynmair.

The young black Labrador qualified a year ago with first-time owner Rachel Jones and is believed to be the first guide dog to live in the village.

Rachel said: “People have taken a shine to Flick and they all know who she is. Out of the blue, I was stopped in the street and told that the Llanbrynmair Show committee would be donating this year’s proceeds to Guide Dogs Cymru.

“Fundraising for the show kicked off with a road tractor race, and Flick was invited along to the launch on a Sunday morning. I had to wave off 30 tractors and the drivers were all waving at the dog!”

While Flick has many fans, her own favourite person is Rachel’s father, David Morgan. Rachel said: “They love each other - it's a proper grandparent and grandchild relationship. She gets excited and goes berserk when she sees him. I think she associates him with a free run, while I'm the boring one who makes her work.”

Mr Morgan began quietly collecting money for Guide Dogs four years ago, when Rachel first applied for a dog. “Dad has always loved dogs, especially Labradors,” she said. “He was excited when I decided to apply – but then the pandemic hit, and training went on hold, which I completely understood.

“As a welder who fixes farm machinery, dad was a key worker during Covid and to keep spirits up, he decided to put away a little bit of money from jobs until I qualified with a dog. It went on longer than we thought, and he ended up with a bundle of notes in an ice-cream tub. By the second year, he was invoicing customers and they were putting a bit in for Guide Dogs, and it grew from there. He's now donated £800 to mark the first anniversary of our qualification.”

The show committee also donated £500 to Guide Dogs Cymru. Rachel said: “It’s a fantastic amount and well above expectations. It goes to show how much Flick has made an impact on the village!”