A decision will be made this week on plans to change the foundation phase at New Quay school into the Welsh language, with the move set to go ahead despite objections during a consultation.

Last May, councillors agreed to begin the consultation process to change the medium of language to Welsh in the Foundation Phase in New Quay school, along with four others in the Aberystwyth area.

It is also proposed that New Quay School is able to admit three-year-old pupils on a part time basis.

A report into the change to be put before Cabinet members on Tuesday, 19 March, says a total of 10 responses were received during the consultation “of which six supported the proposal.”

Supporters said the move would “increase pupil’s bilingual skills” and will “increase, not diminish choice.”

Objectors said the proposal would “significantly impact on pupil numbers”, with concerns raised over the effect on current childcare and nursery providers in the town.

Cylch Meithrin Cei Newydd objected to the plan saying the setting “already provides a high-quality Welsh-speaking provision” and would need to consider whether it can continue to offer wrap care to pupils with the loss of funding the plan would mean.

In its response, Estyn “recognised the positive moves to develop the Welsh language” but said it needs “further clarification on the impact of the plan in areas such as teaching, pupil standards, leadership and management.”

The move is part of the council’s Cabinet decision to approve the next stages of the Action Plan for Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2022-2023.

Consultation documents conceded that the plans would incur costs, with teaching staff needing to be trained.

Year 1 classes in the five schools all moved to the Welsh language over the next three years.

Under the plan nursery classes would begin in the Welsh medium in 2024, with reception classes to follow in 2025, Year 1 in 2026 and year 2 in 2027.

“By September 2028 Year 3 pupils would have a sound foundation, especially orally, and would be able to build on those skills whilst also developing their skills and education through the medium of English,” documents said.

Final decisions were made on the four Aberystwyth schools by Cabinet last month and now Cabinet will decide on the future in New Quay at a meeting on 19 March.

If approved, the change would be subject to a statutory notice period.