The Aberystwyth and District Visually Impaired Club has now resumed regular meetings and is seeking to appoint three new officers.

The club meets on the first and third Monday of the month except for bank holidays and the August and Christmas break. They meet from 1.45pm till 3.30pm at the Morlan Centre, Queen’s Road.

From September the club will be looking to appoint three new officers.

The officers organise and run the club programmes, which include booking regular speakers to give a brief talk, serving light refreshments, and they handle the club finances on behalf of the membership, and when possible, arrange for the group to go on outings for a meal or to a tourist venue.

The officers only get reimbursed for expenses incurred with programme planning, as their time is given on a voluntary basis, and they will have to agree to have a DBS check done.

If volunteers are not found then the future of the club will be in doubt as it is imperative that they have some sighted people to help them and currently they do not have individual club members who can carry out the officers’ roles.

If you can help the club on a regular basis then please contact [email protected] so your name can go forward to their Annual General Meeting, which will take place on Monday, 4 September at the Morlan Centre.

Nominations for chairperson, treasurer and secretary are required, but please ask the person before names are submitted together with their contact details.

Membership for the club is open to people living in Ceredigion who have registered their sight loss with the local authority.

Members living local to Aberystwyth will be eligible for free transport which is provided by Aberystwyth Rotary Club.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]