Fresh plans have been lodged to erect a 5G phone mast on one of the largest holiday camps in Ceredigion.

Following last year’s withdrawn application, Freshwave Facilities Limited has submitted fresh plans to erect a mast and ancillary antennae reaching a maximum height of 23.14 metres, to boost the Vodafone signal, at Quay West Holiday Park, some 150 metres from the previous proposal.

The previous plans drew many local objections, with one describing it as a “gargantuan eyesore” that would impact on a cherished nearby family home.

After that application on the edge of the caravan park was withdrawn, following a recommendation for refusal, the new application sees the proposed mast sited closer to the main part of the town, adjacent to the main B4342 road, again on the holiday park grounds.

Agent Rapleys, in a supporting statement submitted to Ceredigion planners, said the mast would both boost the signal in the caravan park and allow the continued provision of 4G mobile connections to the surrounding area, and also provide improved 5G services for Vodafone, introducing ultra-fast mobile connectivity.

A supporting letter by Haven Quay West General Manager Cherry Barnett said the holiday park was a significant employer, with over 200 team members, welcoming 29,000 guests a year, and supporting local events, including raising £9,000 for the RNLI locally.

It added: “We believe that proposed telecommunications mast will not only benefit our park but also offer substantial advantages to the wider community by improving overall connectivity.”

A local petition objecting to the scheme has been circulated in the town and formal objections have been submitted.

Local residents ‘Glennis and Leech’ object, saying: “12 months on and Quay West makes the same application but this time the mast would be at the side of a home again; at what point did Quay West think that local residents would be happy to have such an eyesore in their view 24/7, 365 days a year?”

“The response from local residents will be if not stronger than last year and that is a ‘no’ to this unacceptable eyesore that Quay West want to impose on us.”