Residents campaign group Save the Teifi is organising a three-day river relay event in aid of the river's conservation.

The ‘source to sea’ event will include attendees walking, cycling and paddling the 25 miles from the Teifi Pools to Poppit Sands to raise awareness of their ongoing campaign for water quality.

It comes as last year Dŵr Cymru/ Welsh Water admitted to illegally allowing sewage overflow into the Teifi, causing high phosphorous levels, endangering wildlife and halting new housing projects.

Save the Teifi has demanded an apology and an action plan to address the “crisis”.

In their latest efforts to fundraise, the three-day triathlon-style event will span from 9-11 August to “highlight the ecological significance of the Teifi and raise funds for its preservation”.

The first day will feature walking from Teifi Pools to Lampeter, followed by cycling to Newcastle Emlyn and then either paddling or walking to Poppit Sands.

Each day will feature a lunch stop and local evening entertainment to “foster community spirit and environmental awareness”.

Participants will collect water at the river's source, carrying it to the sea “to symbolize the importance of clean waterways”.

To join, register for £10 on the Save the Teifi website.