Letter to the Editor: For some time I’ve been helping to run a street stall on climate change about once a week in Cardigan, and similar stalls are held elsewhere.

We ask passers-by their opinions about climate change, and we find that the response is overwhelmingly one of deep concern. People of all ages and backgrounds see the climate crisis as an extremely serious issue, and they are concerned about many aspects of it - such as flooding and storms, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, etc.

This response is typical of more scientific findings across Wales and Britain, as shown in a recent poll by Omnisis.

So this is clearly the time to take our concerns to the UK Parliament – as the government is opening new coal mines and giving billions of public money every year to the fossil fuel industry.

On 21 April, tens of thousands of people will gather outside Parliament to demand change. This is not about disrupting the public. This is citizens from all walks of life, professionals, union members, religious groups, families - anyone who cares – having a say in their future. Many will go just for the day, but others will go back day after day for up to two weeks. If you’ve ever felt you’d go on climate protest if really needed, this is the one! This is The Big One.

Coach transport has been organised to take people from west Wales to London for the day on Friday, 21 April, and accommodation has also been booked for those who can stay on longer.

For full information, look at tinyurl.com/BigOneWestWales, or get in touch: [email protected] or 07717 391611.

Philippa Gibson,
