South Snowdonia Search & Rescue Team (SSSART) need money for a garage.

The team of over 35 people from varied backgrounds come together to assist North Wales Police in the event of a mountain emergency. They can also be called upon to help locate missing or vulnerable people in lowland and built-up areas. Over a third of their members are also trained in swift water rescue techniques.

But SSSART vehicles don’t have a home, and have to deal with the weather, over-friendly livestock, vandals and attempted theft.

“Fortunately we have secured funding thanks to Gwynedd Council to help us build a garage, however we need to raise an extra £5,000 to ensure we can complete the project, a SSSART spokesperson said.

“We would be most grateful for any donations, however small, to help us reach this target.

“Please also share our fundraiser so that we can reach the widest possible audience.

“This garage will make a huge difference to the team - not only to the condition and security of our vehicles but we will also be able to respond faster to potential call-outs as we will not have to spend precious time loading and unloading equipment.

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