PUPILS at Ysgol Rhydypennau have come up with an original idea to raise awareness of their community’s impact on the environment.

Pupils at the Bow Street school asked their teachers, kitchen staff and parents to ‘power down’ for the day to highlight their over-dependency on electricity, and to encourage people to reflect on the effects our daily routines have on our environment.

In order to emphasise their point, the children ordered staff to turn off their computers, switch off the lights, shut down the ovens and dishwashers and banned the use of the photocopier for a full day.

In a letter sent to parents early last week, Ysgol Rhydypennau School Councillors said: “As a School Council, we have decided to arrange an ‘energy free day’ at school to raise awareness of our effects, as humans, on our environment. This will take place on Friday, 12 July 2024.

“On this day, we’re asking our teachers to turn off all electronic devices and lights and have requested that the school kitchen join in by not using their ovens or dishwashers. Therefore, it will be a cold dinner on Friday.

“We also ask you as families to join our campaign by reducing your carbon footprint on this day. Where possible, it would be great if you could leave the car at home and walk, bike or scooter to school. We understand that this isn’t possible and may not be safe for everyone – but if you can join in to help us promote our message, that would be great!”

Headteacher, Peter Leggett, said: “I am delighted that our pupils have organised this day to highlight an important issue which is relevant to us all.

“Our School Councillors have identified a real problem, one which we largely take for granted.

“I’m pleased that our pupils have found a way to relay their concern and have come up with a brilliant idea to promote a more sustainable future.”

Cllr Wyn Thomas, Ceredigion’s Cabinet Member for Schools, Lifelong Learning and Skills, said: “The initiative taken by the school councillors at Ysgol Rhydypennau is commendable; by organising an ‘energy-free day,’ they’re not only raising awareness about our impact on the environment but also encouraging practical actions to reduce our carbon footprint.

“It’s heartening to see young minds actively promoting sustainability.

“Well done to the pupils and their commitment to a more sustainable future!”