With all of the events currently unfolding in Ukraine and the Middle East, it is important to remember the price that so many have paid so as we can have our freedom.

We are largely lucky in that our sons and daughters will never know what it is like to be called up, handed a rifle and be told to fight for freedom, democracy and rights.

Those who wear the uniforms of our Armed Forces, do so with pride — and the knowledge that they may be very required to lay their life on the line to protect us, our freedoms and serve humanity in the cause of just peace.

Those are sentiments that those who run Ceredigion County Council in particular would do well to remember.

The president of the local Royal British Legion in Aberystwyth has branded the council a disgrace after it said it would cost too much to light up the town’s war memorial in the run-up to Remembrance Sunday.

In previous years, the war memorial at Castle Point — the monument there recently marked its centenary — was illuminated in red as a tribute to those who gave their lives for others in the First and Second World Wars.

The local branch of the Legion again asked for this to be done this year.

But a letter from the county council said that work needed to be done on the lighting system and there was no money for this to happen.

This is but the latest instance of a council that couldn’t organise a party in a brewery.

It is simply unfathomable that the council can’t find the funds to pay a small tribute to honour heroes who gave their lives around the world — but are snubbed at home.

This is a disgrace.

The CEO of the council earns £130,000 annually. Perhaps he’d like to dig into his pocket to cover off the cost of this request?

It is but the latest example of a council that is lacking in leadership and direction — one where image if more important than substance.

This council has no problem putting aside money for consultants to ask inane questions on topics that the council already knows the answers.

It has failed on care for seniors, failed when it comes to providing sixth form education in its six secondary schools, and it is now failing to pay common respect to the war dead.

Shame. Disgraceful. Disgusting.