Cyfeillion Bronglais League of Friends has donated £4,000 to Enlli older adult mental health ward to pay for interactive singing and movement sessions.

The sessions will reduce loneliness, boredom and isolation for patients as well as promoting cognitive stimulation and wellbeing.

Cyfeillion Bronglais League of Friends is a charity committed to raising funds to support Bronglais Hospital and local community health services.

Elinor Powell, chairperson of CBLF said: “We were delighted to be able to contribute £4,000 to Enlli Ward in Bronglais to enable them to continue with the singing therapy they've been providing their patients.

“Forget Me Not Choir is a fantastic idea created by Kate Woolveridge, a charity bringing the joy of singing to people living with dementia, and those who support them.

“I'm sure the patients, along with their families and the wonderful staff will benefit hugely from the sessions. “Thanks to the generous donations from our members we really hope to be able to continue with this support on Enlli Ward into the future.”

Paige Denyer, administration officer, Elinor Powell and Rhian Davies from Cyfeillion Bronglais League of Friends, Beccy Pateman, Ward Manager and Ann Elias, Ward Clerk. Photo: Julie McNicholls Vale
Paige Denyer, administration officer, Elinor Powell and Rhian Davies from Cyfeillion Bronglais League of Friends, Beccy Pateman, Ward Manager and Ann Elias, Ward Clerk. Photo: Julie McNicholls Vale (Julie McNicholls Vale)

Dawn Jones, Hospital Head of Nursing, said: “We want to say a sincere thank you to Cyfeillion Bronglais League of Friends for their generous donations and for their continued support for patients and staff.

“These donations will make a positive difference to the experience of families bringing new life into the world, and to some of our oldest and frailest patients who can benefit from the joy of music and movement.”