A petition against the introduction of a booking system and charges for dumping rubbish at Powys recycling centres from April has been signed by more than 1,000 people.
Cllr Joy Jones, who set up the petition, said: “Many people in our community are frustrated by the council’s decision to introduce a booking system for Household Recycling Centres across the county, which will include extra charges for disposing of DIY waste.
“These changes will create unnecessary hassle and financial burdens for thousands of residents.
“The booking system and fees are not only inconvenient but also unfair.”
The booking system and potential charges have been lurking in the background for a year after the idea was pushed through in this year’s budget to save the council £400,000 over two years.
Last month, Powys council revealed they had signed a seven-year deal with Northern Ireland firm, Bryson Recycling to run four of the five recycling centres in the county from 1 April.
Potters Group will continue to run the site in Welshpool.
The implementation of the scheme has been defended by cabinet member for highways, transport and recycling, Cllr Jackie Charlton.
She said: “We appreciate that charges are never welcome, but they will ensure we can accept small quantities of DIY waste from home improvements projects and continue to afford to keep all five Household Recycling Centres open five-days a week.”
“The charges have not been introduced to make a profit and have been kept as low as possible.
“The alternative would have been to either reduce the opening days and hours at the sites or potentially even close one of them, to realise the savings and stay within budget.”
For more details of the booking system and charges visit Powys council’s website.
The petition can be viewed on the change.org website.