An overspend of £510,000 is predicted for this year’s Powys County Council budget after the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year, a meeting has heard.

At a meeting of the council’s Finance Panel on Friday, 26 July councillors were told that this figure will drop to a £55,000 overspend on the £341.6 million budget once money from reserves is moved to cover the gap.

The report explains that of the £12.9 million in cuts and savings that need to be made this year, £2.5million has been “delivered” by the end of June.

Council chiefs give assurances that a further £8.7 million will be delivered by the end of March 2025.

This leaves £1.7 million which are at risk of not being found.

The report said: “Services are being challenged as to the reasons for the changes in positions for some savings proposals and will be required to consider mitigating action to ensure that they can deliver within the budget allocated.”

Out of a total £73.16 million that the council holds in various reserve accounts, the report predicts that it will use £25.777 million during the course of the year.