Twenty-six teams of three went out on in glorious weather on Sunday, 11 August to celebrate Captain's Day at Borth & Ynyslas Golf Club.

The format was Texas Scramble, the tee markers were yellow but not all in the usual positions.

The devious captain had used all the tee beds, white, yellow, red and green, in a random order to create an entirely new course.

This unusual format was greatly enjoyed by all teams and produced some interesting results.

The on-course bar at the 12th and the super BBQ outside the clubhouse kept everyone fed and watered.

Gary Hawkings had brought golf balls he had collected on his walks, sorted and labelled and for sale with the money going to the captain's charity Plas Lluest.

Donations from players and a very well supported raffle brought the total raised on the day to over £1,500.

The captain announced the prize winners ably assisted by his grandson who stole the show.

Results: 1, Ewen Davies, Elgan Rees, Ron Thomas 57.6; 2, Pat Jones, Toby Spain, Graham D Saunders 58.0; 3, Paul Hicks, Richard Lucas, Stephen Lucas 58.5; 4, Brian Middleton, Daniel Basnett, Eddie Allingham 59.3; 5 Nathan Perkins, Stephen Beresford, Kieron Perkins 59.8.

Nearest the Pin was John Blackburn and Paul Hicks had the Longest Drive.