BORTH & Ynyslas Golf Club’s President’ Day was held on Sunday, 7 July, with 84 competitors and £1,877 raised for Iori Jones’ charity, the Cancer Unit, Meurig Ward, Bronglais Hospital.

The event was played in glorious sunshine after a short and sharp shower early morning.

The popular president supplied food to all who took part and was very generous with his prizes presented in a full clubhouse.


Men’s Section:

Division One: 1, Peter Basnett 39 points on the back nine; 2, Captain Alan Shaw.

Division Two: 1, Alun John – 39 points; 2, Roy Jones with 36 points.

Guest Prize: William Butcher (the president Iori Jones’ grandson) with 39 points.

Nearest the pin: Dylan Raw-Rees on the 7th hole and Brian Middleton on the 11th hole.

Ladies Section:

Division One: 1, Vice Captain Helen Lewis with 37 points; 2, Barbara Reece with 34 points.

Division Two: 1, Jean Harrison with 38 points; 2, Clare Jones with 37 points.

At the Presentation that evening, President Iori thanked all who had helped him to make the event a very memorable one.

In return captain Alan Shaw thanked the Iori for a very successful day and for his hard work during his time as president.