Hywel Dda Health Charities, the official charity of Hywel Dda University Health Board, provided funding for three members of staff from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Glangwili and Withybush Hospitals to attend training to support a staff wellbeing initiative.

Tamara Lewis, Critical Care Outreach Team Nurse; Hayley Thomas, Junior Sister, and Amanda Backhouse, Staff Nurse, were all able to attend the training in 2024.

Tamara, Hayley and Amanda will all support the delivery of a peer support programme across the four ICUs within the Hywel Dda University Health Board.

Dr Manon Griffiths, Clinical Psychologist, said: “We are incredibly grateful for the donations that have allowed three of our staff members to attend the wellbeing training.

“Pre-pandemic data has shown that one in three ICU staff members in the UK experience burnout.

“Staff wellbeing is essential for optimal patient care, with workplace stress and burnout associated with poorer clinical outcomes, including higher error, infection, and mortality rates.

“Wellbeing also has a significant impact on levels of staff of absenteeism, presenteeism and staff retention.

Hayley Thomas, Junior Sister, said: “I personally have found it very beneficial.

“Working in Intensive Care can be an emotional rollercoaster and have an impact on staff wellbeing.”