Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

You’re starting to feel your personality doesn’t fit well with a group you are involved in. There are some people who think they are better, more knowledgeable and more skilled than others. You disagree and you are seriously considering calling it a day. Keep a friend who has proved to be unreliable recently, at arm’s length. You are starting to be more careful now about who you actually trust.

Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May)

A friend will make some strange suggestions and you will automatically want to give a negative response. If you hesitate and at least consider what they are saying, you might find yourself being pleasantly amused and entertained. Making alternative arrangements to your usual plans could be a lot of fun so be sure to listen to new ideas that are being discussed. Your partner is making romantic plans.

Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun)

You’re disappointed that someone in the family objects to travel or holiday plans you thought you had all agreed on. You might wish you’d made the booking while you initially had the opportunity. Similar offers will come your way and as soon as everyone shows an interest, this time you will get it all settled before anyone can change their mind again. Don’t be reluctant to put your talent on display.

Cancer (22 Jun - 23 Jul)

An offer which sounds interesting and realistic still makes you nervous. For some reason you aren’t sure this is something you want to get involved in. It is good to be on your guard as there may be strings attached to a business proposition. You could do with a change of scenery and no matter how late this opportunity occurs, a trip or group outing will make for a refreshing change.

Leo (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

You are easily distracted and that’s because you want to be so. You aren’t focusing on the important things. You would rather ignore the need to make a decision by using excuses that you are busy elsewhere. You cannot put off the inevitable. Sooner or later you’re going to have to face up to responsibilities and it might as well be now. Preparing for a project will make certain nothing goes wrong.

Virgo (24 Aug - 23 Sep)

Relationships are complicated. It’s almost impossible to get on the same mental wavelength as a stubborn neighbour. You’re well aware of a relative’s views as they are constantly repeating themselves. What’s disappointing is that they aren’t allowing you to have your say. At times you will feel as if no-one is really listening to you. A favour you do for a colleague will put you in their good books.

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)

Without your friends you might sometimes wonder where you would be. You wouldn’t be able to do what you are doing now if it wasn’t for a workmate or neighbour’s support. You will be thrilled with the outcome. They believed in you and it is their encouragement that is helping to boost your confidence in yourself. You’re happy to start on something new when it isn’t so appealing to continue with other projects.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)

There is no ignoring the tension in the air. Some people will handle this brittle atmosphere better than others. You can see how to avoid arguments and that is mainly to steer well away from quarrelsome people. It will be easier to face some difficulties if you know you have the help and support of a close friend or partner. You have some good ideas on how to rectify a problem.

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec)

You’re surprised by a friend’s lack of appreciation for the efforts you are making to support them. If you didn’t care about them, you wouldn’t be going out of your way to help them. You wish they would realise this and not feel so guilty about being temporarily needy. Hard work is the best way to ensure material success. Discipline, hard work and determination will pay off eventually. Be patient.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

An older relative doesn’t want to take your advice. You do know what you are talking about even if they don’t think so. A change of tactics might help. If you encourage them to spend time talking things through, you might encourage them to work things out in their own mind. Some situations will be more tiresome than you anticipated and by the end of the week you will be glad to see the end of them.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

Either you or someone in the family has been researching your family tree. Conversations will centre on past events that were important to an older relative and you will agree that these are worth passing down. If you have new ideas you would like to put to senior colleagues, using visual tools will enable you to present these in a favourable way and enhance your overall presentation.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

More will be achieved by taking your time and working through everything slowly. Although you are inclined to rush some jobs just to get them over with this might only lead to careless mistakes. An approaching test, examination or interview is making you anxious and nervous. Don’t let your nerves get the better of you. The more confident you look and sound, the greater your chances of success.

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