CONSIDERED to be the toughest mountain race in the world, the Dragon’s Back race has now achieved legendary status. It is a 380km race across Wales spread over six days with an average 63 kms each day and an average daily ascent of  2,900m.

Not a race for the faint hearted then but that did not deter Aberystwyth Athletic Club’s Dave Powell who finished a fantastic first in his category in a time 70.12.37 with Balázs Pintér coming third in his age category and again finishing in an incredible time of 73.49.08.

Dave said: “This is an incredibly tough race but wonderful to be able to take part in such an event that showcases the best of Wales’ fantastic terrain.

Aber runners ready for the Glyndŵr 7
Aber runners ready for the Glyndŵr 7 Supplied

“Balázs and myself have done a few ultra races together and it’s great to know there is a friendly face somewhere in front or behind you.

“Many say that ultra running events are really eating competitions as you need the fuel, well I can confirm that Aber AC’s very own Balázs Pintér is undisputed champion of the catering tent.

“It was also great to see so many Aber AC supporters along the way, it is such a boost to see a friendly face and this is magnified when several days into an event.”

The Glyndŵr 7 mile trail race, wonderfully organised by the Cerist Triathlon Club near Machynlleth is a must do race for many in the local racing calendar and seven Aber AC members made the short journey northwards for this popular and well organised event.

Richard Anthony was 4th overall in a time of 58.49 with Damian Sidnell one place behind him and 1st in his age category in a time of 1.01.03.

Ivan Courtier similarly won his category in a time of 1.07.05 with Lynwen Huxtable following suit winning her category in a time of 1.10.09.

Sarah Purdon finished in 1.16.17, Elaine Rowlands crossed the line in 1.22.05 and Cameron Pope completed the course in 1.25.59.

The weather offered an additional challenge this year according to Damian Sidnell: “This can be quite a challenging event anyway but torrential rain overnight and in the morning made the course even more challenging.

“It was a very muddy and slippery run but nonethess a great event and the hot shower and bowl of soup afterwards were most welcome.”